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A Frame in A Frame, Nov 20, 2018


"A Frame in A Frame"

Nov 20. 2018

Photographed by @jhryan




로마의 가장 좋은 점이 있었다면, 즐비한 고대 유물들 덕분에 창가에만 서면 그림이 보인다는 것이었다.

어디든 가서 창가에 앉아 창 밖을 쳐다보기만 하면 한 폭의 서양화가 눈 앞에 있었다.

그 중에도 가장 눈길을 사로잡았던 장면은, 산탄젤로 성에 난 창문을 통해 바라본 바티칸의 모습이었다.

성 베드로 성당의 강렬하고 웅장한 이미지가 저녁 노을을 배경으로 펼쳐진 장면은,

정말로 영락없는 완벽한 우리의 도시, 로마였다.

2018/11/16 - [photography/mind-overflow] - Eternal City, Nov 15, 2018

2018/11/14 - [photography/sky-collector] - Not Always Boring, Nov 14, 2018




If someone asks me what was the best benefit in Rome, then I'll answer it was the paintings that I could see through every window.

There were so much of ancient relics in Rome, so If I wanted to see a well-painted western painting, all I need to do was just looking for a window.

The most attracted painting among those, was the scene of Vatican which was seeing through the window of Castello Sant'Angelo.

Magnificent and intensive image of San Pietro was there with beautiful sunset on its background view.

It was the unspeakably perfect city of us, Rome.

2018/11/16 - [photography/mind-overflow] - Eternal City, Nov 15, 2018

2018/11/14 - [photography/sky-collector] - Not Always Boring, Nov 14, 2018







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